Box size

3.5 X 2 X 1.25"

8.9 X 5.1 X 3.2cm

unit price $ 1.2

stock box code :P01212 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

3.5 X 2 X 1.25"

8.9 X 5.1 X 3.2cm

unit price $ 1.7

stock box code :P01212-B paper material E flute paper with black printing E flute paper with BLUE / RED/ GREEN printing
Box size

2.5" X 4.125 X 1.125"

6.5 X 10.5 X 2.9cm

unit price $ 1.2

stock box code: P01670 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

4 x 3.375 x 1"

10.2 x 8.6 x 2.5cm

unit price $ 1.8

stock box code :P01546 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

4 x 3.375 x 1"

10.2 x 8.6 x 2.5cm

unit price $ 2.3

stock box code :P01546-B paper material E flute paper with black printing  
Box size

5 X 3.5 X 1.5"

12.7 X 8.9 X 3.8cm

unit price $ 1.8


stock box code :P01139 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

5 X 4.625 X 1"

12.7 X 11.7 X 2.5cm

unit price $ 2.4

stock box code :P01622 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

5.875 x 3.375 x 1"

14.9 x 8.6 x 2.5cm

unit price $ 2.4

stock box code :P01547 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

5.875 x 3.375 x 1"

14.9 x 8.6 x 2.5cm

unit price $2.9

stock box code :P01547-B paper material E flute paper with black printing  
Box size

6 x 4.5 x 2.5"

15.2 x 11.4 x 6.4 cm

unite price $ 2.8

stock box code :P0900 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

6.875 x 2.625 x 1.25"

17.5 x 6.7 x 3.2cm

unit price $ 1.8

stock box code :P0997 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

6.375 x 6 x 1.375"

16.2 x 15.2 x 3.5cm

unit price $2.8

stock box code :P01343 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

7 x 4.125 x 2"

17.8 x 10.5 x 5.1cm

unite price $ 2.8





stock box code :P0924 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

7 x 4.125 x 2"

17.8 x 10.5 x 5.1cm

unite price $ 3.3

stock box code :P0924-B paper material E flute paper with black printin  

8.625 X 8.125 X 3.125"

21.9 X 20.6 X 8cm

unite price $5.5-

stock box code P01473 paper material B flute paper with white and brown paper  
Box size

9.5 X 5 X 2"

24.1 X 12.7 X 5.1cm

unit price $ 2.8

stock box code :P0925 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

9.75 X 4.5 X 2"

24.8 X 11.4 X 5.1cm

unit price $ 2.8

stock box code :P0996 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

13.5 x 12 x 2.125"

34.3 x 30.5 x5 .4cm

unit price $ 5.5

stock box code :P0801 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

4.25 x 3.875 x 1.5"

10.8 x9 .8 x3 .8cm

unit price $ 2.8

stock box code :P01361 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

4.375 x 4 x 2.625"

11.1 x 10.2 x 6.7cm

unit pirce $2.8

stock box code :P01360 paper material E flute paper both size with white paper  
Box size

7.375 x 4.875 x 3.125"

18.7 x 12.4 x 7.9cm

unit price $ 4.5

stock box code :P01375 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

9..125 X 6.125 X 2.125"

23.2 X 15.6 X 5.4 cm

unit price $ 3.9

stock box code :P0475 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

9.125 X 6.125 X 2.125"

23.2 X 15.6 X 5.4 cm

unit price $ 4.5

stock box code :P0475-B paper material B flute paper with black printing  
Box size

10.25 X 5.625 X 2.625"

26 X 14.3 X 6.7cm

unit price $ 5.5

stock box code :P01248 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper  
Box size

10.5 x 10 x 4.625"

26.7 x 25.4 x 11.7cm

unit price $ 8.6

stock box code :P01198 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

12.5 x 8.5 x 4.75"

31.8 x 21.6 x 12.1cm

Unit pirce $ 6.5

stock box code :P0608 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

14 x 14 x 4"

35.6 x 35.6 x 10.2cm

unit pirce $ 13.-

stock box code :P0994 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

6.5 x 2.375 x 11.25"

16.5 x 6 x 28.6cm

unit price $ 2.4


stock box code :P0998 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

13.25 x 2 x 13.5"

33.7 x 5.1 x 34.3cm

unit price $ 4.5

stock box code :P01002 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

3.25 X 1.75 X 4.25"

8.3 X 4.4 X 10.8 cm


stock box code : P0938 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper  
Box size

3.25 X 1.75 X 4.25"

8.3 X 4.4 X 10.8 cm


stock box code P0938W paper material E flute paper with white and brown paper  
Box size

3.5 x 2.625 x 7.375"

8.9 x 6.7 x 18.7cm

unit price $2.3

stock box code : P01087 paper material E flute paper with white and brown color  
Box size

7.875 x 3.875 x 3.25"

20 x 9.8 x 8.3cm

unit price $ 2.4

stock box code : P0901 paper material E flute paper with white and brown color  
Box size

4 x 4 x 4"

10.2 x 10.2 x 10.2cm

unit price $ 1.8

stock box code : P01216 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper  
Box size

5.875 x 4.375 x 3.75"

15 x 11.2 x 9.5cm

unit price $ 2.8

stock box code : P01575 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper
Box size

5.875 x 5.125 x 3.5"

14.9 x 13 x 8.9cm

unit price $3.5

stock box code : P01211 paper material E flute paper with white and brown color  
Box size

6 x 6 x 11.5"

15.2 x 15.2 x 29.2cm

unit price $3.5

stock box code : P0922 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper  
Box size

6.5 x 3 x 2.75"

16.5 x 7.6 x 7cm

unit price $2.4

stock box code : P01955 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper  
Box size

6.25 x 6.25 x 6.25"

15.9 x 15.9 x 15.9cm

unit price $3.5

stock box code : P01432 paper material E flute paper both size with white paper  
Box size

7.625 x 4.375 x 3.75:

19.4 x 11.1 x 9.5cm

unit pricee $2.8

stock box code : P01115 paper material E flute paper both size with white paper  
Box size

5.5 x 2.625 x 2.5"

14 x 6 .7 x 9cm

unit price $2.8

stock box code : P01192 paper material E flute paper both size with white paper  
Box size

9 x 4.25 x 3"

23 x 11 x 7.6cm

unite price $4.-

stock box code : P01956 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper  
Box size

10.5 x 5.375 x 3"

26.7 x 13.7 x 7.6cm

unit price $ 5.-

stock box code : P01379 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

10.75 x 7 x 8.375"

27.3 x 17.8 x 21.3cm

unit price $5.5

stock box code : P0932 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

13.5 x 4 x 7.75"

34.3 x 10.2 x 19.7cm

unit price $ 5.5

stock box code : P0663 paper material B flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

7 x 1.375 x 0.625"

17.8 x 3.5 x 1.6cm

white board unit price $1.2

nature color unit price $1.5


白面白底 / 啡面啡底


stock box code : P01534W/ P01534 paper material white board / nature craft paper  
Box size

6.5 x 5.125 x 0.75"

16.5 x 13 x 1.9cm

unit pirce $ 2.3




stock box code : P01661W paper material white board  
Box size

6.5 x 5.125 x 0.75"

16.5 x 13 x 1.9cm

unit pirce $ 2.6




stock box code : P01661 paper material nature color craft paper  
Box size

8.5 x 8.5 x 1.25/1.625"

21.5 x 21.5 x 3.2/4.2cm

unit price $8.5




stock box code : P01786 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown paper  
Box size

9.125 X 6.375 X 2"

23.2 X 16.2 X 5.1cm

unit price $5.-




stock box code : P0727 paper material white board  
Box size

9.125 x 6.375 x 2.5"

23.2 x 16.2 x 6.4cm

unit price $5.-




stock box code : P01516 paper material white board  
Box size

9.25 x 6.5 x 2.5"

23.5 x 16.5 x 6.375"

unit price $5.-




stock box code : P0975 paper material white board  
Box size

11 x 6.625 x 2.25"

28 x 16.8 x 5.7cm

unit price $5.-




stock box code : P01230 paper material white board  
  Box size

9.875 X 7.625 X 2.75"

25.1 X 19.4 X 7cm

unit priec $ 5.-




stock box code: P01660 paper material E flute paper with white and brown color  
Box size

13.125 x 9.125 x 2.125"

33.5 x 23.5 x 5.5cm

unite price $5.5-




stock box code: P01742 paper material E flute paper with white and brown color  
Box size

12 x 7 x 2.125"

30.5 x 17.8 x 5.4cm

Unit prices $ 9.5



stock box code: P01565-66 paper material E flute paper with white and brown color  
Box size

9.625 x 7.625 x 2.25"

24.4 x 19.4 x5 .7cm

Unit prices $ 8.5



stock box code:P01636-37 paper material E flute paper with white and brown color  
Box size

10.375 x 10.375 x 3.37"

26.5 x 26.5 x 8.6cm

Unit prices $ 8-




stock box code: P02201 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown color  
Box size

13.375 x 13.125 x 1.625"

34 x 33.3 x 4.1cm

Unit prices $ 8.5




stock box code: P01723-24 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown color  

15.375 x 11.125 x 1.625"

39 x 28.2 x 4.1cm

unit price $8.5




stock box code: P01721-22 paper material E flute paper with brown and brown color  


Box size

11.125 x 5.5 x 5.625"

28.3 x 14 x 14.3cm

unit price $ 4.5

stock box code : P01114 paper material E flute paper both size with white paper  
Box size

11.125 x 5.5 x 5.625"

28.3 x 14 x 14.3cm

unit price $ 6.-


stock box code : P01114 blue paper material E flute paper with blue printing  

地址:葵涌大連排道182-190號,金龍工業中心4期23字A室 ( 葵方站A出口步行5分鐘) 

電話: (852) 2421 7748 傳真: (852) 2480 6764 email:

辨工時間: 9:00-6:00 星期六:9:00-1:00

歡迎訂造,  生產期4-10天, 報價電話: 2421 7748 傳真: 2480 6764

送貨特快,常備現貨(歡迎加印logo) , 歡迎查詢 2421 7748


box size

12.25 x 8.875 x 6.625"

31 x 22.5 x 17cm

unit price $6.5

stock code: P01257-P1
paper material
B flute paper both size with brown paper
box size

8.875 x 6.625 x 6"

22.5 x 17 x 15cm

unit price $ 4.5-

stock code: P01258-P3
paper material
B flute paper both size with brown paper
box size

7.125 x 6.125 x 4"

18 x 15.5 x 10cm

unit price $ 4.-

stock code P01463 -P5
paper material
B flute paper both size with brown paper
box size

4.125 x 2.5 x 6"

10.5 x 6.3 x 15.2cm

unit price $2.8

stock code P02202 paper material E flute paper both size with brown paper  
box size

4.125 x 4 x 2"

10.5 x 10.2 x 5.1cm

unit price $2.1

stock code P0 1705
paper material
B flute paper both size with brown paper  
box size

8.25 X 5 X 3.125"

21 X 12.7 X 7.9cm

unit price $4.-

stock code P01703
Paper material
E flute paper both size with brown paper  
Box size

9.25 x 6.875 x 3.375"

23.5 x 17.5 x 8.6cm

unit price $5.3

stock code P01704
Paper material
E flute paper both size with brown paper  
box size

5.75 X 4.375 X 4.375"

14.6 X 11.1 X 11.1cm

unit price $ 2.3

stock code: P01592-L1
paper material
B flute paper both size with brown paper
box size

8.625 x 5.375 x 2"

21.9 x 13.7 x 5.1cm

unit price $ 2.3

stock code: P01593-L2
paper material
B flute paper both size with brown paper



下載 PDF 格式
紙箱,文件盒 郵購盒,啤盒 其他盒款 手挽盒,蛋糕盒



Mailing box Filing box




聯絡我們 Contact us


歡迎 國內 , 香港交貨


Contact us: 歡迎到本公司以下地址-參觀選購


(葵方站 A出口步行約5分鐘)

Tel: 2421 7748 Fax: 2480 6764 email:

辨工時間:9:00-6:00 , 星期六9:00-1:00

9035 2361










500個 或 訂滿$500起生產 (運費,印刷另議)

Pizza box style 面開盒 Die cut style 插面扣底盒



500個 或 訂滿$500起生產 (運費,印刷另議)

Pizza box style 面開盒 Die cut style 插面扣底盒

















































歡迎 國內 , 香港交貨





















































































































































































































































































































































Order up 訂購
Stock available 小咭盒現貨
10 pcs
100 pcs

500 pcs



















































送貨地區 工商業區

( 商埸 / 住宅及其他,另附加費$50起 )

葵涌 (工商業大廈) ...葵涌貨櫃碼頭私倉$3000 HK$ 600.-
荃灣, (工商業大廈) HK$ 800.-
九龍 (工商業大廈) HK$ 800.-
香港 (工商業大廈),另以下香港區另議 HK$ 1,000.-
香港(黃竹坑) HK$ 1,500.-
香港(香港仔,鴨利洲,薄扶林) HK$ 1,500.-
香港(香港仔,鴨利洲,薄扶林)住宅 HK$ 3,000.-
大圍 , 火炭 , 小瀝源 HK$ 1,000.-
粉嶺 / 上水 / 大埔 . 科學園 HK$ 2,000.-(客人自卸)

屯門 / 元朗 / 天水圍

HK$ 2,000.-(客人自卸)
將軍澳 / 石崗 HK$ 2,000.-(客人自卸)
西貢 HK$ 3,000.-(客人自卸)
其他 另議
機場 HK$ 4,000.-





歡迎訂造,  生產期4-10天, 報價電話: 2421 7748 傳真: 2480 6764

送貨特快,常備現貨(可加印logo) , 歡迎查詢 2421 7748



































































































































































































































































































PAPER BOX, CARTON BOX, EXPORT CARTON BOX, RECYCLE BOX ,FILING BOX,MAIL BOX, MAILING BOX,STORAGE BOX, STOCK CARTON BOX,RETAIL BOX ,HANDLE BOX ,PACKING BOX ,RED WINE BOX INNER BOX ,OUTER BOX,OUTER CARTON paper box, carton box, export ,carton box, recycle box, filing box, mail box. mailing box ,RoHS 環保歐盟 retail box, stock carton box ,handle box ,packing box ,winebox, poster paper tube, paper roll, paper can ,bar code,QR code,紙箱,紙盒,禮品盒,郵寄盒,郵包盒,搬運箱,搬寫字樓箱,文件盒,文件箱,入倉紙箱,存倉用箱,零售紙箱,現貨紙箱,手挽盒,生果箱,包裝箱 ,紅酒盒 ,內箱,大箱,內箱,外盒,包裹盒,白盒,白咭盒,白紙箱,郵局箱,郵局盒回收碳粉,碳粉回收, 環保回收碳粉盒,環保回噴墨盒 ,回收,環保 ,影印紙,傳真紙, recycle toner cartridge,cycle, ginzer 家居儲存,儲物雜物 家居雜物,紀念珍藏,,雜物書本,換季衣服,家居自設迷你倉,玩具儲存箱,裝書,慳位儲存盒,儲存箱,環保什物箱,彈性慳位,實用什物箱,實用雜物盒 節省位置,善用空間,層疊式,方便提取,多種呎吋,款式,外形美觀,DVD 盒,收納盒,紙製盒,紙製儲存盒,裝書盒Home Storage,Storage debris,Household goods,Memorial Collection,Miscellaneous books,Seasonal clothing,Home own mini-warehouse,Toy storage box,Installed books,Location to save storage box,Storage Box,Flexibility to save space,Practical things and boxes,Practical debris box,Save location,Use of space,Stacked,easy to Extract,More categories Size,Style, Aesthetic appearance,DVD box,book box訂做紙箱,訂製紙盒,訂做紙箱,見坑紙,坑紙,瓦通紙,彩色坑紙,彩色見坑紙,,回禮小禮盒,天地小盒,小禮盒,天地盒,回禮天地盒,糖果小禮盒,婚禮網袋,慶糖盒,慶糖紙袋,化妝品內盒,白色盒,精緻禮物盒,禮品盒,環保盒,瓦通紙, 瓦楞紙 ,電腦紋,郵寄紙筒white wedding box,wedding gift box, wedding gift bag, small gift box,wedding candy box, candy bag, color corrugated paper,pillow box, 枕碘盒,蘋果批盒,apple pie box cake box, ,簡約包裝,,gift box, 紙袋,手提袋,無妨布袋, 鋁箔袋,不干膠,防偽商標,圓筒,PVC 盒, 加盟牌,vip卞,會員卡,圖畫,宣傳資料

PAPER BOX, CARTON BOX, EXPORT CARTON BOX, RECYCLE BOX ,FILING BOX,MAIL BOX, MAILING BOX,STORAGE BOX, STOCK CARTON BOX,RETAIL BOX ,HANDLE BOX ,PACKING BOX ,RED WINE BOX with rope handle ,INNER BOX ,OUTER BOX,OUTER CARTON paper box, carton box, export ,carton box, recycle box, filing box, mail box. paper gifebox,gifebox,mailing box ,RoHS 環保歐盟 retail box, stock carton box ,handle box ,packing box ,winebox, poster paper tube, paper roll, paper can ,bar code,QR code,MULTIPACKS ,M1 carton,,M2 carton ,M3 carton ,M4 carton ,gifebox, gife box zone,packing gifebox, hongkong ,china紙箱,紙盒,禮品盒,郵寄盒,郵包盒,搬運箱,搬寫字樓箱,文件盒,文件箱,入倉紙箱,存倉用箱,零售紙箱,現貨紙箱,手挽盒,生果箱,包裝箱 ,紅酒盒 ,內箱,大箱,內箱,外盒,包裹盒,白盒,白咭盒,白紙箱,郵局箱,郵局盒,儲物雜物 家居雜物,換季衣服,家居自設迷你倉,玩具儲存箱,裝書,慳位儲存盒,儲存箱,環保什物箱,彈性慳位,實用什物箱,實用雜物盒 節省位置,善用空間,層疊式,方便提取,多種呎吋,款式,外形美觀,DVD 盒,收納盒,紙製盒,紙製儲存盒,裝書盒,mask box,口罩盒,Home Storage,Storage debris,Household goods,Memorial ,plastic handel, paper corner protector, Collection,Miscellaneous books,Seasonal clothing,Home own mini-warehouse,Toy storage box,Installed books,Location to save storage box,Storage Box,Flexibility to save space,Practical things and boxes,Practical debris box,Save location,Use of space,Stacked,easy to Extract,More categories Size,Style, Aesthetic appearance,DVD box,book box訂做紙箱,訂製紙盒,訂做紙箱,見坑紙,坑紙,瓦通紙,彩色坑紙,彩色見坑紙,,回禮小禮盒,天地小盒,小禮盒,天地盒,回禮天地盒,糖果小禮盒,婚禮網袋,慶糖盒,慶糖紙袋,化妝品內盒,白色盒,精緻禮物盒,禮品盒,環保盒,瓦通紙, 瓦楞紙 ,電腦紋,郵寄紙筒white wedding box,wedding gift box, wedding gift bag, small gift box,wedding candy box, candy bag, color corrugated paper,pillow box, 枕碘盒,蘋果批盒,apple pie box cake box, ,簡約包裝,,gift box, 紙袋,手提袋,無妨布袋, 鋁箔袋,不干膠,防偽商標,圓筒,PVC 盒, 加盟牌,vip卞,會員卡,圖畫,宣傳資料,M1 紙箱,M2 紙箱,M3紙箱,M4紙箱禮盒,禮盒專區,香港禮盒包裝,簡約禮盒包裝.,高級禮盒, bubble bag, bubble wrap, with rope, 紙繩, 手挽繩盒, 汽珠袋, bubble bag milkbox milk box 屋形盒,膠手挽,保護紙角條,RIBBON, FLOWER DECORATION,play therapy, counseling,counselling, emotion,depression, anxiety,adhd,ocd,兒童遊戲治療,抑鬱,焦慮 ,憤怒,專注力,專心,讀寫障礙,,專業心理輔導,professional counseling,counseling room , play room 以琳天地,elim corner,.play corner , poster tube ,外買紙板, take away ,網購紙盒,手表機芯盒